free pussy riot!

free pussy riot!

say it loud! say it clear! pussy riot solidarity is here! free pussy riot! play a pussy riot song at 17.8. 10:13 GMT/UTC!

original call for action here / original aufruf hier

Friday, August 17th, the Moscow Criminal Court will announce the penal-sentence on the imprisoned feminist activists of Pussy Riot. Supporters and lawyers call for worldwide solidarity actions.

Let's show our solidarity! Together we stand against repression and oppression!

We will not remain in silence! Our symbolical yell of rage will be heard! Let‘s set a mark!

Let the prisoners of Pussy Riot be heard wherever you are: in the streets, the subway or in your job. Turn on a Pussy Riot song and play it loud. Download this MP3 and play it - privately or publicly - on August 17th, 10:13 GMT/UTC (2:13 p.m. Moscow time, as Pussy Riot are charged under § 213 of the Russian Penal Code). Spread the idea of the initiative! Call local radio stations and artists to join in! Report on social networks etc.! We are many!

Free Pussy Riot!